Hypoglycaemia describes an abnormally low blood glucose level (<4 mmol/L). It is a common clinical problem in diabetics overtreated with glucose lowering agents.
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Clinical presentation
Signs of hypoglycaemia include:
tremors, palpitations and anxiety
Symptoms should resolve when the blood glucose levels are corrected. In severe cases of hypoglycaemia, death can result.
Hypoglycaemia is most commonly seen in patients with diabetes mellitus who are receiving glucose-lowering agents, e.g. insulin or sulfonylureas.
Other causes of hypoglycaemia include alcohol, tumours such as insulinomas and critical illness states 1.
Radiological features
Whilst hypoglycaemia is predominantly a clinical diagnosis, severe cases can result in hypoglycaemic encephalopathy. Radiology can also aid identification of tumours causing hypoglycaemia.
Treatment and prognosis
Early identification of hypoglycaemia is critical to prevent severe complications. In patients able to tolerate oral intake, rapidly absorbed carbohydrates should be consumed. For those unable to tolerate oral intake, intravenous dextrose administration or administration of subcutaneous or intramuscular glucagon is indicated. In cases of insulinomas, surgical resection is usually preferred 1.