Linear energy transfer
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Linear energy transfer (let(LET)
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Linear energy transfer (LET)
amount of is the average (radiation) energy deposited per unit path length along the track of an ionising particle.o Units of It's units are keV/μm.
LET is ∞ Q2/ Eko LET is proportional to the square of the charge of the particleo LET is inversely proportional to the particle‟s kinetic energy LET describes the energy deposition density of a particular type of radiation, which largelydetermines the biologic consequence of radiation exposure.
LET is ∞ Q2/ Ek
- LET is proportional to the square of the charge of the particle
- LET is inversely proportional to the particle's kinetic energy
High LET radiations: LET 3-200 keV/μm
o Low
low speed, highly charged particles – α-particles, protons, neutrons
o Greater -
greater density of interactions at cellular level
- therefore more likely to produce biological damage in a given volume of tissue (than low LET)
Low LET radiations: LET 0.2-3 keV/μm
o Electrons
electrons, positrons, gamma γ-rays & x-rays
o Less - less likely to produce tissue damage in the same volume of tissue
-<p><strong>Linear energy transfer (LET)</strong> </p><p>amount of energy deposited per unit path length along the track of an ionising particle.<br>o Units of keV/μm</p><p><br>LET is ∞ Q2/ Ek<br>o LET is proportional to the square of the charge of the particle<br>o LET is inversely proportional to the particle‟s kinetic energy<br> LET describes the energy deposition density of a particular type of radiation, which largely<br>determines the biologic consequence of radiation exposure<br></p><h6>High LET radiations: LET 3-200 keV/μm</h6><p><br>o Low speed, highly charged particles – α-particles, protons, neutrons<br>o Greater density of interactions at cellular level more likely to produce biological damage in a given volume of tissue</p><h6>-<br>Low LET radiations: LET 0.2-3 keV/μm</h6><p><br>o Electrons, positrons, γ-rays & x-rays<br>o Less likely to produce tissue damage in the same volume of tissue</p>- +<p><strong>Linear energy transfer (LET)</strong> is the average (radiation) energy deposited per unit path length along the track of an ionising particle. It's units are keV/μm.</p><p>LET describes the energy deposition density of a particular type of radiation, which largely determines the biologic consequence of radiation exposure.</p><p>LET is ∞ Q<sup>2</sup>/ E<sub>k</sub></p><ul>
- +<li>LET is proportional to the square of the charge of the particle</li>
- +<li>LET is inversely proportional to the particle's kinetic energy</li>
- +</ul><p> </p><h6>High LET radiations: LET 3-200 keV/μm</h6><ul>
- +<li>low speed, highly charged particles – α-particles, protons, neutrons</li>
- +<li>greater density of interactions at cellular level</li>
- +<li>therefore more likely to produce biological damage in a given volume of tissue (than low LET)</li>
- +</ul><h6>
- +<br>Low LET radiations: LET 0.2-3 keV/μm</h6><ul>
- +<li>electrons, positrons, gamma γ-rays & x-rays</li>
- +<li>less likely to produce tissue damage in the same volume of tissue</li>
- +</ul>
References changed:
- 1. John C. P. Heggie, Neil A. Liddell, Kieran P. Maher. Applied Imaging Technology. (2020) <a href="">ISBN: 9781875271337</a><span class="ref_v4"></span>
- 2. Jerrold T. Bushberg. The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging. (2012) <a href="">ISBN: 9781451118100</a><span class="ref_v4"></span>
Sections changed:
- Imaging Technology
Tags changed:
- physics
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