The McDonald and McClellan classification is the most commonly used classification of crossed renal ectopia. It divides them into four types based on whether there is fusion or not and whether it is unilateral or bilateral. Crossed fused renal ectopia is then further divided depending on the orientation and position of the fused kidney.
A: crossed fused renal ectopia
type a: inferior ectopia
crossed fusion, the upper pole of the ectopic kidney fuses with the lower pole of the normal kidney
type b: sigmoid or S-shaped kidney
the hilum of the ectopic inferior kidney faces laterally and that of the normal kidney faces medially
type c: lump kidney
both kidneys fuse over a wide margin with the ureter of the ectopic kidney crossing midline
type d: L-shaped kidney
the ectopic kidney is inferior and horizontally oriented and fused with the lower pole of the normal kidney
type e: disc or pancake kidney
extensive fusion of the concave (hilar) surface of both kidneys forming a disc or doughnut-shaped mass
type f: superior ectoipa
crossed fused, the ectopic kidney is placed above the normal kidney and fused with its upper pole
B: crossed renal ectopia without fusion
C: solitary crossed renal ectopia
D: bilaterally crossed renal ectopia
History and etymology
James H McDonald and Don S McClellan, American urologists, published their classification in 1957 1.