Mercedes-Benz sign (aorta)

Changed by Daniel J Bell, 7 May 2021

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The Mercedes-Benz sign can be seen in the aorta in the context of aortic dissection on CT 1

It is seen atas three distinct intimal flaps that have a triradiate configuration similar to the Mercedes-Benz logo (Figure 1). Two of the three lumens outlined by these intimal flaps belong to the false lumen of aortic dissection. The appearances are postulated to represent secondary dissection in the wall of the dissected false lumen. It is also called a triple-barreled-barrelled aortic dissection 2.

See also

  • -<p>The <strong>Mercedes-Benz sign </strong>can be seen in the aorta in the context of aortic dissection on CT <sup>1</sup>. </p><p>It is seen at three distinct intimal flaps that have a triradiate configuration similar to the Mercedes-Benz logo (Figure 1). Two of the three lumens outlined by these intimal flaps belong to the false lumen of aortic dissection. The appearances are postulated to represent secondary dissection in the wall of the dissected false lumen. It is also called a triple-barreled aortic dissection <sup>2</sup>.</p><h4>See also</h4><ul><li><a href="/articles/aortic-dissection">aortic dissection</a></li></ul>
  • +<p>The <strong>Mercedes-Benz sign </strong>can be seen in aortic dissection on CT <sup>1</sup>. </p><p>It is seen as three distinct intimal flaps that have a triradiate configuration similar to the Mercedes-Benz logo (Figure 1). Two of the three lumens outlined by these intimal flaps belong to the false lumen of aortic dissection. The appearances are postulated to represent secondary dissection in the wall of the dissected false lumen. It is also called a triple-barrelled aortic dissection <sup>2</sup>.</p><h4>See also</h4><ul><li><a href="/articles/aortic-dissection">aortic dissection</a></li></ul>

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