Articles describing specific MRI protocols require a different set of subheadings as the usual epidemiology, clinical presentation, pathology, etc. are not relevant.
Example article: ankle protocol (MRI)
An introductory sentence, with the title of the article repeated and emboldened e.g.: The MRI ankle protocol encompasses a set of MRI sequences for the routine assessment of the ankle joint.
A brief explanation (italicised) stating it is understood this is not a one size fits all protocol e.g.: Note: This article aims to frame a general concept of an MRI protocol for the assessment of the ankle. Protocol specifics will vary depending on MRI scanner type, specific hardware and software, radiologist and perhaps referrer preference, patient factors e.g. implants, specific indications and time constraints
On this page:
1.5 vs 3 tesla
Patient preparation
Patient positioning
Technical parameters
made in bullet points
Scan geometry
Points emboldened for example:
in-plane spatial resolution ≤0.3 x 0.3 mm
field of view 100-160 mm
slice thickness ≤3 mm
Planes emboldened in a bulleted list with angulation, volume and slice thickness indented, for example:
axial images
angulation: perpendicular to the distal tibia and parallel to the tibiotalar joint
volume: about 3-5 cm above the tibiotalar joint to the plantar fascia
slice thickness: ≤3 mm
Under two categories, standard sequences and optional sequences.
Sequences are emboldened in a bulleted list with purpose, technique and planes indented, for example:
Standard sequences
purpose: bone and/or soft-tissue characterisation
technique: T1 fast spin echo
planes: coronal, axial* (option in case of arthritis or synovitis)
Optional sequences
T1-weighted C+ (fat-saturated)
purpose: for inflammatory conditions, in case of suspected tumours
technique: T1 fast spin echo
planes: axial, sagittal, coronal depending on the pathology
Practical points
bulleted list if required