The occipital bone, also known as C0, is a trapezoid skull bone that contributes to the posteroinferior part of the cranial vault. It is pierced by the foramen magnum, permitting communication from the cranial cavity to the vertebral canal.
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Occiput is a noun referring to the back of the head, it is not a synonym for the occipital bone. The occipital bone is also known as "C0" because it joins the skull to the first cervical vertebra or C1, forming the atlantooccipital joint.
Gross anatomy
The occipital bone is composed of four parts:
squamous part: external/internal surfaces
basilar part (basiocciput): lower/upper surfaces
lateral (jugular) parts (two): under/upper surfaces
The squamous part is the curved, expanded plate located behind the foramen magnum.
The external surface of the squamous part features:
external occipital protuberance, the tip is known as the inion
highest nuchal line
superior nuchal line: occipitalis, trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, splenius capitis
inferior nuchal line: rectus capitis posterior major and minor
median nuchal line: attachment of ligamentum nuchae
attachment of the posterior atlantooccipital membrane
The internal surface of the squamous part features:
cruciate eminence divides the region into four fossa; the upper two contain the occipital lobes while the lower two contain the cerebellar hemispheres
internal occipital tuberosity at the intersection
sagittal sulcus for superior sagittal sinus, falx cerebri attaches to margins
internal occipital crest gives attachment to falx cerebelli
transverse grooves hold transverse sinuses
The basilar part is the quadrilateral piece in front of the foramen magnum.
The lower surface of the basilar part features:
pharyngeal tubercle: attachment to fibrous raphe of the pharynx
either side of the middle line: longus capitis, and rectus capitis anterior
anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
The upper surface of the basilar part features:
the clivus has a broad, shallow groove, for the medulla oblongata
lateral grooves for the inferior petrosal sinus
The undersurface of the lateral part features:
occipital condyles: articulate with the atlas (C1), permitting flexion and extension (nodding) with minimal lateral flexion. No rotation occurs at the atlanto-occipital joint.
the condyles are egg-shaped and sloped anteromedially from anterior to posterior which helps limit mobility 2
a third condyle may be a variant
hypoglossal canal: at the base of occipital condyles
condylar fossa: behind condyle, receives posterior margin of the superior facet of the atlas, can be perforated by a condyloid canal which contains an emissary vein from the transverse sinus
jugular process, excavated in front by jugular notch, forming the posterior part of the jugular foramen
The upper surface of the lateral part features
jugular tubercle: overlies hypoglossal canal, sometimes crossed by an oblique groove for CN 9, 10, 11
The occipital bone articulates with 6 bones:
paired bones
Five parts of the occipital bone are present at birth, from posterior to anterior 3-5:
interparietal part
supraoccipital part
Kerckring ossicle/process
exoccipital (lateral occipital) part (paired)
basioccipital part
The interparietal part of the occipital squama (above the highest nuchal line) ossifies in a membrane. The other four parts ossify in cartilage.
The separations between these parts fuse at variable times in childhood, listed in approximate chronological order as follows 3-5:
Kerckring supraoccipital synchondrosis (between Kerckring ossicle and supraoccipital portions)
Mendosal suture (remnant of the transverse occipital suture between interparietal and supraoccipital portions)
posterior intraoccipital synchondrosis (innominate synchondrosis; between supraoccipital and exoccipital portions)
anterior intraoccipital synchondrosis (basiexoccipital synchondrosis; between basioccipital and exoccipital portions)