Citation, DOI, disclosures and article data
Bell D, Gaillard F, mike L, et al. Organomegaly. Reference article, (Accessed on 27 Mar 2025)
Organomegaly (a.k.a. visceromegaly or, the archaic splanchnomegaly) is the general term for the enlargement of an organ (or organs). Although usually pathological, occasionally the enlargement is a normal physiological response e.g. compensatory hypertrophy of the remaining kidney after a nephrectomy.
Many of the terms below will not be found in standard English dictionaries but all are found in the larger medical dictionaries and/or the published literature. The majority are in common (medical) usage, some will have niche usages in some specialties or rare conditions, whilst a few are perhaps a little contrived. However all have been found in published sources and completely made-up terms have not been included e.g. epididymomegaly, which whilst looking like it might be real, was coined by this author when writing this article (in 2018).
Any term lacking a separate citation superscript is found in Dorland's Medical Dictionary 1. All other words have an accompanying citation 2-21.
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Following the name of the organ, is a term used for an enlargement of that organ, with synonyms in brackets.
adrenal gland - adrenomegaly
aorta - aortomegaly 2
artery - aneurysm or angiomegaly
atrium - atriomegaly
auricle - macrotia
bladder - megalocystis/megacystis
bronchus - bronchomegaly 5
calyx - calyectasis (caliectasis, megacalyx)
caecum - megacaecum (typhlomegaly is now archaic)
clitoris - clitoromegaly (macroclitoris, megaloclitoris)
colon - megacolon (macrocolon, megabowel)
cornea - megalocornea (macrocornea)
duodenum - megaduodenum
ear - macrotia
eye - macrophthalmia (megalo-ophthalmia)
eyelashes - trichomegaly
eyelid - macroblepharia
face - macroprosopia
foot - podomegaly 6 (megalopodia, macropodia)
finger - dactylomegaly (macrodactyly, megalodactyly)
gallbladder - cholecystomegaly 7
genitals - macrogenitosomia
hand - cheiromegaly (megalocheiria or macrocheiria)
head - macrocephaly (megalocephaly, cephalomegaly)
heart - cardiomegaly
jaws - macrognathia
kidney - nephromegaly (renomegaly 23)
limbs - macromelia
lips (oral or genital) - macrocheilia, macrolabia, labiomegaly 8
liver - hepatomegaly (megalohepatia: rarely used)
liver and spleen - hepatosplenomegaly
lung - hyperinflation
lymph node - lymphadenomegaly 9
mouth - macrostomia
nails - clubbing (macronychia, megalonychia)
nose - rhinomegaly 10 (macrorhinia)
oesophagus - megaoesophagus (megalo-oesophagus)
pancreas - pancreatomegaly 11
parotid gland - parotidomegaly 12 (parotomegaly 13)
pelvicalyceal system - hydronephrosis
penis - penomegaly 14 (macropenis, macrophallus, megalopenis, megalophallus)
placenta - placentomegaly 15
prostate - prostatomegaly
rectum - megarectum
renal tract - hydronephroureterosis
salivary gland - sialomegaly 20
scrotum - scrotomegaly (megascrotum) 21
small bowel - enteromegaly
spleen - splenomegaly (megalosplenia)
stomach - gastromegaly (megalogastria)
testis - testiculomegaly 16
tooth - macrodontia (megadontia, macrotooth)
thymus - thymomegaly 17 (megalothymus)
thyroid - goitre (thyromegaly is rare)
tongue - glossomegaly (macroglossia, megaloglossia)
tonsils - tonsillomegaly 18
trachea - tracheomegaly 5
trachea and bronchus - tracheobronchomegaly
ureter - hydroureter (megaureter, megaloureter)
urethra - megalourethra
vagina - vaginomegaly 19
vein - varix or venomegaly 3
ventricle (brain) - ventriculomegaly (hydrocephalus is different)
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History and etymology
The prefix 'mega' and the suffix '-megaly' are derived from the ancient Greek word μεγα (mega) meaning 'great'. The prefix 'macro' is also derived from the ancient Greek, μακρος (macros) meaning 'large' 1,22.
1. William Alexander Newman Dorland. Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary. (2018) ISBN: 9781416023647
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22. James Morwood, John Taylor. Pocket Oxford Classical Greek Dictionary. (2002) ISBN: 9780198605126
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