Os interphalangeus is an ossicle present in the plantar aspect of interphalangeal joint of great toe 1. The ossicle can be present either centrally or eccentrically within the joint capsule and is separated from the flexor hallucis longus tendon by a bursa.
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Radiographic features
Plain radiograph
Bone is ossified in ~7.5% (range 2-13%) of individuals, which can be visible on plain radiographs.
Clinical importance
Pain can occur due to altered biomechanics resulting in adjacent bursitis, tenosynovitis and/or keratosis. The ossicle can also stop the reduction of a dislocated interphalangeal joint 2.
If symptomatic, management is usually conservative with anti-inflammatories and orthotic support. Surgical excision can be considered for refractory cases 2.
Differential diagnosis
persistent cleft epiphysis