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Ibrahim D, Skandhan A, Bell D, et al. Ossicular chain fixation. Reference article, (Accessed on 28 Mar 2025)
Ossicular chain fixation refers to the presence of fibrous tissue (chronic adhesive otitis media) which usually appears as a non-calcified, soft tissue density encasing some or all of the ossicular chain.
It may be present in the mesotympanum and/or epitympanum yet it usually occurs in the niche of the oval window forming a ‘‘peristapedial tent’’.
Clinically the patient complains of conductive hearing loss in the setting of chronic otomastoiditis and dry ear.
See also
1. Kadam PD, Chuan HH. Erratum to: Rectocutaneous fistula with transmigration of the suture: a rare delayed complication of vault fixation with the sacrospinous ligament. Int Urogynecol J. 2016;27 (3): 505. doi:10.1007/174_2012_788 - Pubmed citation
2. Harnsberger HR, MBBS CMG, Michel MA et-al. Diagnostic Imaging Head and Neck. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN:1931884781. Read it at Google Books - Find it at Amazon
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