Periurethral abscess

Last revised by Lincoln J Lim on 2 Aug 2023

Periurethral abscesses are infections of the male urethra and periurethral tissues 1.

While usually occurring with gonococcal infection, other sexually transmitted disease organisms could also result in periurethral abscesses. Other risk factors include urethral stricture or previous urethral instrumentation 1. They occur as a result of obstruction and subsequent infection of Littre glands.

When they connect with the urethra, it results in pseudodiverticulum formation. They tend to track ventrally along the corpus spongiosum.

They can be demonstrated on urethrography if connected to the urethra, where they are seen as pseudodiverticula. Urethrography can also identify complications such as urethroperineal fistula 3.

Ultrasound can be used for local identification of abscess, and CT or MRI are useful for the assessment of distal spread or complications 1.

Approximately 10% drain spontaneously through the urethra 1. Treatment with needle aspiration and appropriate antibiotics are often required 2. Suprapubic catheterisation and surgical debridement are required in severe cases 1.

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