Primary pigmented nodular adrenal dysplasia

Last revised by Rohit Sharma on 11 Dec 2023

Primary pigmented nodular adrenal dysplasia (PPNAD) is a rare benign adrenal condition characterised by ACTH-independent autonomous hypersecretion of cortisol, leading to Cushing syndrome

PPNAD is often familial. Patients typically present as children or young adults, and there is a female predilection 1.

PPNAD is associated with Carney complex, which is sometimes the reason for diagnosis.

Presentation is usually with Cushing syndrome, which is often relatively mild, on account of cortisol levels being only mildly elevated, and thus often not recognised from many years 1.

Multiple gene mutations have been implicated, the most common of which is a mutation in the PRKAR1A gene, which is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern 2.

The adrenal glands are not significantly enlarged, but contain multiple bilateral nodules, typically 2-5 mm in diameter, although in older patients they may be as large as 1-2 cm 1. The intervening 'normal' gland appears atrophic.

The nodules range in density from isodense to the rest of the adrenal gland, to somewhat hyperdense.

  • T1

    • lower signal intensity than surrounding atrophic adrenal tissue

    • signal drop out demonstrated on out-of-phase imaging

  • T2: lower signal intensity than surrounding atrophic adrenal tissue

The treatment of choice is bilateral adrenalectomy.

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