Radiographic features (article structure)

Last revised by Jeremy Jones on 7 Apr 2023

Radiographic features is one of the main subheadings in most articles

The "Radiographic features" subheading is located after "Pathology" and before "Radiology Report" (optional) or "Treatment and Prognosis".

Before any modality-specific features are discussed, general appearances should be included here. This helps eliminate repetition from modality to modality, as these are often just different ways of imaging the same macroscopic features.

The subheadings below are available as needed and should, in most instances, be organized in the same order as those listed here. This is to achieve, as much as possible, a consistent structure and to make finding the area you are interested in easy.

  • do not write PET/CT, PETCT, PET CT, CT/PET, etc. 

  • if specific isotopes are mentioned then also see: isotope notation

Combinations of modalities are addressed under the first modality, which often reflects the main focus on this modality while using the second one for reference, e.g. PET-CT, US-CT.

The following articles are examples of an appropriate radiographic features section:

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