Papillary serous carcinoma of the cervix

Last revised by Yuranga Weerakkody on 3 Jun 2016

A papillary serous carcinoma of the cervix (PSCC) is an uncommon histological type of cervical cancer. It is considered a sub type of adenocarcinoma of the cervix

Accodring to some studies, there was a bimodal age distribution, with one peak occurring before the age of 40 years and the second peak after the age of 65 1.

Papillary serous adenocarcinoma of the cervix resembles microscopically its counterparts elsewhere in the female genital tract and peritoneum. 

PSCC may give a significantly higher p53 and lower CEA reactivity than other more common histologic subtypes 5

Staging is same other cervical tumours - see - cervical cancer staging

These tumours can behave aggressively with supradiaphragmatic metastases and a rapidly fatal course when diagnosed at an advanced stage, but the outcome for patients with stage I tumours is similar to that of patients with cervical adenocarcinomas of the usual type 1

The following factors have been associated with a poorer prognosis 1

  • age <65 years at diagnosis
  • stage > I
  • tumour size > 2 cm
  • tumour invasion > 10 mm
  • presence of lymph node metastases
  • elevation of serum CA-125

In contrast to ovarian, tubal, and endometrial serous carcinomas, local therapy appears to be effective treatment for many serous carcinomas of the cervix 2.

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