Skinfold artifact

Last revised by Craig Hacking on 26 Feb 2024

The skinfold artifact can mimic a pneumothorax on chest radiography and is caused by the added density of a skin fold against the image. It appears as a broad opacity laterally, outlined by a lucent line (Mach band effect) 2.

Radiographic features

Plain radiograph

The following features may help differentiate a skin fold from a pneumothorax:

  • visceral pleural is thin and sharp in contrast to broad skinfold

  • a skinfold does not follow the expected course of the pleura

  • skinfold often extends outside the hemithorax, pleura never does

  • increased peripheral lucency is present in pneumothorax

  • pneumothorax results in absent bronchovascular markings beyond the lung edge (occasionally markings visible if pneumothorax is loculated)

Differential diagnosis

The soft tissues of the medial arm can project over the lateral chest and mimic a pneumothorax and skin fold.

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