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Keshavamurthy J, Sharma R, Silverstone L, et al. Tracheal web. Reference article, (Accessed on 26 Mar 2025)
A tracheal web is a membrane that narrows the tracheal lumen, sometimes perforated.
The incidence of congenital tracheal web is 1:10,000 births. In adults, tracheal webs can form following infection, inflammation or intubation.
Clinical features depend on the degree of narrowing and include wheeze, stridor, recurrent infections and respiratory failure and can mimic asthma or COPD. Minor webs may be asymptomatic but are a cause of difficult intubation. High webs cause inspiratory difficulty and lower webs cause expiratory symptoms 8.
There are two types of tracheal webs:
more often seen in adults 8 following surgery or prolonged or traumatic intubation (post-intubation tracheal stenosis, PITS)
high-pressure cuffs and low capillary pressure due to hypotension cause mucosal ischaemia and sometimes chondritis that heals with fibrosis 6
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Webs are usually occult on x-ray. CT shows the anatomy of the thin web, the degree of stenosis and the morphology of surrounding structures 8.
Treatment and prognosis
Direct visualisation via bronchoscopy is gold standard investigation 8 and may break a thin web 11. Alternative treatments include balloon dilatation, Nd-YAG laser, argon plasma coagulation, resection or stent 5.
After web excision, mitomycin C may be applied topically to prevent scar formation. Oedema can be reduced by administration of intravenous dexamethasone 9.
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3. Shortness of breath caused by a tracheal web. The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles. 06;3 (9): . The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles (full text)
4. Nguyen NK. Unexpected tracheal web encountered during difficult intubation in the operating room. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2011;19 (3): 224-5. Free text at pubmed - Pubmed citation
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6. Al-Qadi MO, Artenstein AW, Braman SS. The “forgotten zone”: Acquired disorders of the trachea in adults. Respir Med [Internet]. 2013;107:1301–13. Available from:
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8. Jafar N, Islam E, Alalawi R. Shortness of breath caused by a tracheal web. Southwest Respir Crit Care Chronicles. 2015;3:52–4. Available from: 10.12746/swrccc2015.0309.122
9. Nguyen NK. Unexpected Tracheal Web Encountered During Difficult Intubation in the Operating Room. Baylor Univ Med Cent Proc. 2006;19:224–5. Available from: 10.1080/08998280.2006.11928167
10. Mudd PA, Fiorillo CE. Congenital malformations of the pharynx, the larynx and the trachea. In Medscape [Internet]. Medsccape; 2019. [Accessed on 18 October 2023]. Available from:
11. Yin Y, Zhang L. Successful diagnosis and treatment of congenital tracheal web using a fiberoptic bronchoscope. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2010;45:945–7.Available from: 10.1002/ppul.21235
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