Tubal ectopic pregnancy, also known as adnexal ectopic pregnancy, is the most common location of an ectopic pregnancy.
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It is the most common type of ectopic by far, accounting for 93-97% of cases.
Although the fallopian tube has many anatomical parts, for the purposes of ectopic location it can be divided into 1:
considered the longest segment
most common site, accounting for ~70%
isthmic ectopic: ~12%
fimbrial ectopic: ~11%
Radiographic features
an adnexal mass that is separate from the ovary is the most common finding and may be seen on in up to 89-100% of cases 1
the presence of an adnexal mass becomes more specific for an ectopic pregnancy when it contains a yolk sac or a living embryo or when it moves independently from the ovary
an extrauterine mass may not be sonographically detected in up to 35% of patients with an ectopic pregnancy
usually, the corpus luteum is on the same side as ectopic gestational sac 2; rupture of the cyst can present with abdominal pain and hemoperitoneum mimicking ectopic rupture
there may be evidence of a hematosalpinx (a tubal ectopic is the commonest cause for a hematosalpinx 3)
tubal echogenic ring
typically a 1-3 cm mass consisting of a 2-4 mm concentric, echogenic rim of tissue surrounding a hypoechoic center
represents an echogenic ring surrounding an extrauterine gestational sac
color Doppler interrogation may show peripheral vascularity giving a ring of fire sign
a corpus luteum may have similar color Doppler flow
there may be evidence of a large hemoperitoneum or large amount of free fluid, especially in cases of rupture
On transvaginal imaging, findings indicating definitive diagnosis of a tubal ectopic pregnancy include:
extraovarian adnexal mass comprising a gestational sac containing a yolk sac
extraovarian adnexal mass comprising a gestational sac and fetal pole (with or without cardiac activity)
On transvaginal imaging, findings indicating a high probability of a tubal ectopic pregnancy include:
extraovarian adnexal mass with an empty gestational sac (tubal ring sign or bagel sign)
extraovarian heterogeneous adnexal mass (blob sign)
On transvaginal imaging, findings indicating possible tubal ectopic pregnancy include:
empty uterus
fluid within the uterine cavity (pseudosac)
The clinical presentation, serum hCG levels, uterine, and adnexal findings must be considered together.
Treatment and prognosis
Compared to an interstitial ectopic or cervical ectopic, the risk of uncontrollable hemorrhage is fortunately lower. Nonetheless, expedient diagnosis is required.
Management was previously only surgical, with open and then laparoscopic salpingectomy being favored. Salpingotomy (thus preserving the tube) is increasingly performed.
Medical management includes methotrexate (a folate antagonist) either administered systemically or by direct ultrasound-guided injection. After methotrexate therapy, the ectopic pregnancy may show a paradoxical increase in size and vascularity on subsequent imaging even with successful methotrexate.
Increasingly, conservative management is being recognized as an option for ectopic pregnancy where rupture has not occurred (i.e. no hemoperitoneum) and fetal demise has already taken place.
Differential diagnosis
other forms of ectopic pregnancy 4
may also present as an "adnexal mass" in a patient in whom there is clinical suspicion for ectopic pregnancy and may have similar color Doppler flow
should be attached to the ovary, whereas a tubal ectopic will slide separately from the ovary with transducer pressure