Unicornuate uterus
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At the time the article was created Natalie Yang had no recorded disclosures.
View Natalie Yang's current disclosuresAt the time the article was last revised Bahman Rasuli had no financial relationships to ineligible companies to disclose.
View Bahman Rasuli's current disclosures- Uni-cornuate uterus
- Unicornis unicollis
- Banana
A unicornuate uterus or unicornis unicollis is a type of Müllerian duct anomaly (class II). It is also known as a banana-shaped uterus 6,7, because of the shape the single horn assumes, and it usually drains into a single fallopian tube.
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This type can account for ~10% (range 6-13%) of uterine anomalies and infertility is seen in ~13% (range 5-20%) of cases.
renal abnormalities
renal anomalies are more commonly associated with a unicornuate uterus than with other Müllerian duct anomalies and are present in 40% of cases, e.g. renal agenesis
the renal anomaly is always ipsilateral to the rudimentary horn
cryptomenorrhea within endometrium containing rudimentary horn that does not communicate with the endometrial cavity
primary infertility 4
There is a failure of one Müllerian duct to elongate while the other develops normally. The embryologic predominance of the unicornuate uterus to be on the right has not been explained. It may or may not have a rudimentary horn.
It can be classified into the following types according to the American Fertility Society 3:
type a: with rudimentary horn
a1: horn contains endometrium
a1a: communicating contralateral rudimentary horn contains endometrium (10%)
a1b: non-communicating contralateral rudimentary horn contains endometrium (22%)
a2: contralateral horn has no endometrial cavity (33%)
type b: no horn (35%)
Radiographic features
The endometrial cavity usually assumes a fusiform (banana type) shape (except for type a where there may be a small cavitation filling defect), tapering at the apex and draining into a single fallopian tube. The uterus is generally shifted off the midline.
It can be difficult to detect on ultrasound. The uterus may be seen tapering to one side.
curved and elongated uterus: banana-shaped external uterine contour 7
reduced uterine volume
asymmetric uterine configuration
normal myometrial zonal anatomy
Treatment and prognosis
Of the Müllerian duct anomalies, a unicornuate uterus is considered to have the second-worst obstetric outcome (the worst is a septate uterus).
Spontaneous abortion rates are reported to range from 41-62%. Reported premature birth rates range from 10-20%. Fetal survival rate is ~40% (range 38-57%).
Differential diagnosis
two cervical canals
cannulation of only one of these canals may mimic unicornuate uterus on a hysterosalpingogram
Quiz questions
- 1. Saleem SN. MR imaging diagnosis of uterovaginal anomalies: current state of the art. Radiographics. 23 (5): e13. doi:10.1148/rg.e13 - Pubmed citation
- 2. Steinkeler JA, Woodfield CA, Lazarus E et-al. Female infertility: a systematic approach to radiologic imaging and diagnosis. Radiographics. 29 (5): 1353-70. doi:10.1148/rg.295095047 - Pubmed citation
- 3. Khati NJ, Frazier AA, Brindle KA. The unicornuate uterus and its variants: clinical presentation, imaging findings, and associated complications. J Ultrasound Med. 2012;31 (2): 319-31. J Ultrasound Med (full text) - Pubmed citation
- 4. Heinonen PK. Unicornuate uterus and rudimentary horn. Fertil. Steril. 1997;68 (2): 224-30. Pubmed citation
- 5. Shukunami K, Tsunezawa W, Kotsuji F. Unicornuate uterus with a noncommunicating cavitary, laterally dislocated rudimentary horn presenting with adenomyosis, associated with ipsilateral renal agenesis. Arch. Gynecol. Obstet. 2001;264 (2): 88-9. Pubmed citation
- 6. Sugi M, Penna R, Jha P et al. Müllerian Duct Anomalies: Role in Fertility and Pregnancy. Radiographics. 2021;41(6):1857-75. doi:10.1148/rg.2021210022 - Pubmed
- 7. Arkoudis N, Oikonomopoulos N, Spiliopoulos S. Classics in Abdominal Imaging: The Banana-Shaped Uterus (Unicornuate Uterus). Abdom Radiol. 2023;48(11):3550-2. doi:10.1007/s00261-023-03994-y - Pubmed
Incoming Links
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus with contralateral rudimentary horn
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus with blocked fallopian tube
- Unicornuate uterus with haematometra in non-communicating contralateral rudimentary horn
- Unicornuate uterus with non-communicating, cavitating rudimentary horn
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus with blocked fallopian tube
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus (3D ultrasound)
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus
- Unicornuate uterus
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