Unlisted cases are great if you don't want other users to see them but still want to be able to easily share them with others.
When you have created a case you can set its visibility to unlisted.
Unlisted cases are:
visible to other users when browsing Radiopaedia.org
indexed by search engines like Google
able to be added to articles
able to be added to public playlists
eligible for selection as case of the day
but can...
be shared with others (see sharing cases and playlists and also below)
be added to unlisted playlists
can be shared with members of your verified institution
All users are able to keep 10 unlisted cases at any one time. Any case you contributed can be made unlisted at any time (even if previously public) and any unlisted case can be made public.
If you need more than 10 unlisted cases, you can become a Radiopaedia.org supporter; additional unlisted cases are one of the many perks.
On this page:
De-identification of images
Although the unlisted cases are not visible to the general public, they nonetheless need to be unidentified in accordance with our terms of use.
As a general principle, there are no specific requirements on image quality. In other words, cases that may not be suitable for publication due to poor quality images can nonetheless be kept as unlisted cases provided:
they have no private health information (see above)
they include no copyrighted images or content
are relevant to radiology
do not negatively impact the performance of the site (e.g. file size)
do not negatively impact the reputation of the site (e.g. inappropriate content)
Unlisted cases will be reviewed by our editors for patient information and copyright concerns but will not need to adhere to our style guide. Nonetheless, we suggest that you keep to the usual format. The easiest way to learn about this is to complete the "how to create cases" learning pathway.
The editorial board can, at it's sole discretion, request that any case be removed/deleted.
Unlisted cases can be shared using the "share" button from the top right side of the page. Detailed instructions can be found on the unlisted cases page.