Uraemic pericarditis

Last revised by Henry Knipe on 19 Jan 2024

Uraemic pericarditis is form of pericarditis that may occur in patients with a high blood urea nitrogen level.

Uraemic pericarditis was more common in the pre-dialysis era but now is occasionally encountered when there is an inadequate removal of uraemic toxins.

May be difficult differentiate from other forms of pericarditis without appropriate clinical context. Dependent on imaging modality may show which evidence of pericardial thickening +/- inflammation, a pericardial effusion +/- associated complications such as pericardial constriction.

In some situations pericardial tamponade may occur.

Consider non-uraemic dialysis pericarditis.

This condition is thought have originally described by Richard Bright of Guy’s Hospital, London, in 1836 1.

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