Using images from Radiopaedia in your presentations is not only OK but is actively encouraged. Radiopaedia is all about sharing our knowledge and cases and by so doing, makes it easier to teach and to learn from each other.
To download an image, just click the download icon (little cloud with down arrow). This will not only allow you to download the image but also make it trivially easy to correctly attribute it; just copy the suggested attribution and paste it into your presentation/project.
You don't have to use this exact attribution, provided you do attribute the case to the contributor and to Radiopaedia. We also strongly suggest you include the Radiopaedia identification number (rID) so that others can easily find the whole case.
It is important to note that use is limited to non-commercial endeavors. We know that whether something is commercial or not is not always obvious. If in doubt, contact us at
You can read more here about attributing content correctly and the Creative Commons license we use.