There can be many variations in the fetal presentation which is determined by which part of the fetus is projecting towards the internal cervical os. This includes:
cephalic presentation: fetal head presenting towards the internal cervical os, considered normal and occurs in the vast majority of births (~97%); this can have many variations which include
left occipito-anterior (LOA)
left occipito-posterior (LOP)
left occipito-transverse (LOT)
right occipito-anterior (ROA)
right occipito-posterior (ROP)
right occipito-transverse (ROT)
straight occipito-anterior
straight occipito-posterior
breech presentation: fetal rump presenting towards the internal cervical os, this has three main types
frank breech presentation (50-70% of all breech presentation): hips flexed, knees extended (pike position)
complete breech presentation (5-10%): hips flexed, knees flexed (cannonball position)
footling presentation or incomplete (10-30%): one or both hips extended, foot presenting
other, e.g one leg flexed and one leg extended
cord presentation: umbilical cord presenting towards the internal cervical os