Radiopaedia Blog: Pediatrics
Spinnaker sign - a neonatal chest radiograph sign of pneumomediastinum. It refers to the thymus being outlined by air with each lobe displaced laterally like spinnaker sails. This appearance may also be termed the thymic wing sign. Bonus radiology signs also demonstrated in this case include left-sided deep sulcus sign of pneumothorax and continuous diaphragm sign of pneumomediastinum.
Corkscrew sign - describes the spiral appearance of the distal duodenum and proximal jejunum in the setting of midgut volvulus on contrast studies. In patients with congenital malrotation of the midgut, the distal duodenum and proximal jejunum do not cross the midline and instead pass inferiorly. These loops are predisposed to twist on their shortened mesentery creating the classic corkscrew appearance of midgut volvulus.