Testimonials and feedback - March 2014

Every month or two we will collate some of the feedback we get from our users and post it on this blog. It is always rewarding to hear that what we are building is important and appreciated. If you have feedback or a story of how Radiopaedia.org helps you, please send it to [email protected]


"Great job by Radiopaedia. I keep courses in Echography and Conventional Radiology in African developing Countries and I take advantages of your work." Anonymous


"May I show my deep appreciation for your invaluable work,and the ultimate use you offer for us radiologists and other physicians." Dr H.E. 


"Dear Radiopaedia, I can't overstate how much you are important and useful for the advancement of Radiology. I want to say thank you. I'm a resident doctor in Radiology in a Nigerian hospital." Dr AS

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Tags: testimonials
Publication date: 1st Apr 2014 00:00 UTC

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