Sausage-shaped left adnexal unilocular cystic lesion with fluid content being isointense in T1 and hyperintense in T2 and T2 fat sat denoting fluid signal with slightly proteinaceous contents, this is confirmed by the presence of faint fluid-fluid level, this cystic lesion is dilated Fallopian tube from the isthmic portion to its distal fimbrial end and seen insinuated in the Douglas pouch, this is important to differentiate it from the elongated para ovarian cyst which is seen in the broad ligament. you need to exclude endometriosis; this will be done by the absent shading sign in T2 which means that if there is hyper intense signal of blood in T1 it cannot being bright in T2 like fluid but it will be isointense or shows mixed signal due to different blood aging.
The right ovary show small cyst with the same fluid signal inside.
No uterine abnormality.
No associated urinary anomalies.