Intussusception with pseudokidney and target sign


Ultrasound is a valuable screening tool for children with clinical suspicion of intussusception. Useful signs to identify an intussuscepted bowel are the pseudokidney sign and target sign.

This appearance results from the fat-containing mesentery being dragged into the intussusception, containing vessels. In the longitudinal view, thus mimicking a renal hilum, with the renal parenchyma formed by the edematous bowel giving the appearance of a pseudokidney. In the transverse view, the intussuscepted bowel appears as a target sign, form by alternating hyperechoic mucosa and muscularis and hypoechoic submucosa.


Case courtesy of Dr Nur Aishah Bt Mohyin, Radiologist, and Che Zubaidah Bt Che Daud, Consultant Pediatric Radiologist of the Women and Children Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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