Congenital cerebral anomaly discovered on CT (not shown) done for nasal obstruction.
Patient Data
Age: 20 years
Gender: Male
From the case:
Dysgenesis of the corpus callosum


The MRI demonstrates:
- dysgenesis of the corpus callosum:
- hypoplasia of the anterior body with agenesis of the genu, rostrum, posterior body, isthmus, and splenium
- parallel lateral ventricles "racing car sign" and dilatation of the occipital horns (colpocephaly)
- narrow frontal horns, high-riding 3rd ventricle, giving a "moose head appearance" on coronal T2
- sunray appearance of the gyri on sagittal T1 sequence
- widened mid-portion of the interhemispheric fissure
- absence of the cingulate sulcus
- extensive soft tissue opacification of the nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses in keeping with sinonasal polyposis
Case Discussion
MRI features of dysgenesis of the corpus callosum (incidental finding) in a patient with sinonasal polyposis.