Marked left hemicerebral intra-axial recent hemorrhage involving mainly left frontoparietal white matter regions measures about 9.5 x 7.8 x 6 cm along its maximum AP, TV, and CC dimensions respectively, It presents well defined irregular margin, elicits non-homogeneous hyperdensity (average is 70 HU) with fluid-fluid level (hematocrit effect), mild surrounding hypodense edema exerting mass effect termed by effacement of overlying cortical sulci, compression of left lateral ventricle, significant midline shift (by about 20 mm), sub-falcine herniation and left uncal herniation.
Further intraventricular extension of blood smear along lateral ventricles, third ventricle, and fourth ventricle as well as basal cisterns.
Kinked foramen of Monro with slightly prominent right lateral ventricle mainly occipital and to less extent temporal horns.
Diffuse cerebral edema with exaggerated white matter hypodensities.