Achilles tendon avulsion

Case contributed by Maulik S Patel
Diagnosis certain


Trauma resulting in left Achilles region pain. Referred for an ultrasound of the Achilles tendon.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Male

Complete avulsion of the Achilles tendon from its insertion. Retraction is 45 mm with dorsal foot flexion and 33 mm with plantar foot extension. Mild changes of tendinosis in the retracted tendon along with enthesophytes represented by small bone flakes. The plantaris tendon is intact. Dynamic scan (during foot flexion-extension movements) does not show the movement of the proximal tendon.

The asymptomatic side Achilles tendon is intact along with enthesophyte.


The tendon is avulsed from the calcaneum. Tendon fixation was done with anchors in the calcaneum.

Case Discussion

The case shows the Achilles tendon rupture.

The patient presented with a history of non-penetrating injury to the posterior ankle region followed by local pain, and some difficulty in walking. The clinical examination revealed a loss of normal contour and a palpable defect in the Achilles tendon region. Ultrasound is done to check the tendon integrity, type (partial or full thickness) of the tear, location of the tear, and also the presence/ absence of tendinosis in the residual tendon.

Surgical repair was done.

Intraoperative photos courtesy: operating surgeon Dr. Ritesh Patel.

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