Achilles tendon

Case contributed by Ashesh Ishwarlal Ranchod
Diagnosis certain


Incidental finding during imaging for polytrauma. The patient suffered a work-related crush injury.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male

Normal X-ray of the left ankle.

Unusual identification of the Achilles tendon on the frontal view.

Annotated image

Annotated image of the left Achilles tendon as outlined on this frontal view of the left ankle. The tendon is likely intact, however, in the presence of a clinical concern, an ultrasound can easily be performed to reassess the ankle and determine the need for a further MRI too

Case Discussion

An unusual image of an intact Achilles tendon on a frontal ankle view.

Tendons may occasionally be delineated on plain films.

Sometimes direct or indirect findings on plain films may allude to a possible tendon injury.

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