Acute colonic diverticulitis

Case contributed by Mostafa Elfeky
Diagnosis almost certain


Lower abdominal pain.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Female

On presentation


Colonic diverticulosis involving descending colon and sigmoid.

Segmental circumferential thickening of the proximal sigmoid colon with perifocal fat stranding. No signs of bowel obstruction. No perforation or abscess formation.

Diffuse spondylodegenerative changes with focal discal calcification at L4-5 level.

Follow up after 1.5 months


Follow up after 1.5 months shows normal appearance of sigmoid colon and complete resolution of the inflammatory mural thickening.

Case Discussion

Segmental mural thickening of sigmoid colon in the presence of colonic diverticulosis is suggestive of acute colonic diverticulitis. Sometimes it is hard to differentiate it from neoplastic thickening. Complete resolution of mural thickening on follow up confirms the diagnosis.

This is a case of uncomplicated acute diverticulitis (stage Ia), and the patient was managed conservatively.

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