Acute MCA stroke

Case contributed by Siobhan Lee
Diagnosis certain


Acute onset of left facial droop, left arm weakness, fixed rightward gaze, dysarthria. Background atrial flutter on DOAC.

Patient Data

Age: 85 years
Gender: Male

Initial CTB/CTA


Non contrast CT brain demonstrates hyperdense vessel with in the right MCA, in the distal M2 superior division (with an "MCA dot sign"). There is corresponding complete occlusion on CT angiogram.

No signs of established infarct.

24 hours later


Acute/early subacute infarct in the right MCA territory with changes of cytotoxic oedema: loss of grey-white matter differentiation, gyral swelling and local sulcal effacement.

Persistent hyperdense right M2 segment.

8 days later


Expected progression of infarct in the right MCA territory. Improvement in the degree of oedema with progressive density loss of the cortex and white matter, in keeping with encephalomalacia. 

No haemorrhagic transformation.

Partial resolution of hyperdense M2 segment, suggesting ongoing thrombus resorption.  

Case Discussion

This case nicely demonstrates the expected cerebral changes in acute ischaemic infarct including the MCA dot sign.

The patient was not considered suitable for hyperacute intervention, due to current anticoagulation with apixaban and baseline functional level.

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