Chest pain lasting one hour accompanied by ST elevation in leads V1-4 indicating anterolateral myocardial infarction. Severe flank pain after admission, normal ultrasound.
Patient Data
bilateral mild pleural effusions, and smooth inter-lobar septal thickening at the lung bases
hypoenhancing interventricular septum and left ventricular apex with 11 x 7 mm wall-related non-enhancing filling defect representing left ventricular thrombus, no aneurysm formation, no pericardial effusion
wedge-shaped parenchymal enhancement defect in the upper two-thirds of the anterior aspect of the left kidney involving both the cortex and medulla, extending to the capsular surface with occluded anterior superior segmental artery
Case Discussion
Feature of an established acute myocardial infarction/ intraventricular thrombus formation with evolving pulmonary edema and embolic renal infarction.