Acute necrotising encephalitis

Case contributed by Abdulrahman Abdo Ali Abbas , 23 Apr 2019
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Henry Knipe, 15 Dec 2019

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
[See editor's note] acute necrotizingnecrotising encephalitis
Status changed from pending review to published (public).
Published At was set to .
Body was changed:

Lumber puncture was negative , the patient admitted on PICU 

[Editor's note: Please review Creating Cases Learning Pathway and edit the case to standard before resubmitting for moderation. 

The case needs to have extensive formatting including for clarity.]

  • -<p>Lumber puncture was negative , the patient admitted on PICU  </p>
  • +<p>Lumber puncture was negative , the patient admitted on PICU  </p><p><strong>[Editor's note: Please review <a href="/courses/help-creating-cases">Creating Cases Learning Pathway</a> and edit the case to standard before resubmitting for moderation. </strong></p><p><strong>The case needs to have extensive formatting including for clarity.]</strong></p>

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
acute necrotizing encephalitis
Type was removed.
Visible was set to .

Updates to Link Attributes

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