Right-sided renal colic with pain radiated to right testicle.
Patient Data
Hydronephrosis of moderate to severe degree (parenchymal thickness 20 mm at maximum and 8 mm at minimum) due to distal ureteric stone measuring 7 mm at the distance of 4 cm from the ureteric orifice
Both tests are normal with no images available.
There is perirenal fluid present mainly at the upper and inferior poles.
Case Discussion
Findings show right-sided obstructive uropathy due to the acute obstruction and the presence of perirenal fluid that is pelvicalyceal leakage or renal forniceal or calyceal rupture should be considered. Therefore, a CT scan with contrast in the delayed excretory phase was requested to rule out pelvicalyceal rupture or forniceal rupture due to the presence of perirenal fluid.