Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - tibial tunnel infection
Diabetic female. ACL reconstruction - 4 months. Pain, swelling at the tibial tunnel site.
Patient Data

There is a subcutaneous collection with mobile internal echoes at the site of the tibial tunnel. On compression and decompression, tiny echoes in the subcutaneous plane move in and out of the tibial tunnel respectively. Local hypervascularity is present. There is anechoic mild effusion in the suprapatellar recess. An unruptured small Baker's cyst present.
Case Discussion
Case shows tibial tunnels infection after ACL reconstruction. The patient had diabetes mellitus for the last 8 years. Three different regions surgeries (including the present surgery) were done during the last 8 years. Post-operative infection developed in all cases.
Local debridement was done without knee arthroscopy. The metallic screw was removed. An abscess was present. However, no organism was found in the culture.
Surgical details courtesy: Dr. Ritesh Patel.