Increasing headaches and feeling unbalanced
Patient Data

Axial T2 SPACE and time of flight angiography (TOF) sequences clearly demonstrate a vascular loop of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery into the right internal auditory canal (IAC) occupying up to at least 50% of the IAC. The right IAC is also found to be larger in diameter relative to the left IAC.
The annotated VR image - created using TOF base data - shows the arterial anatomy nicely, especially the branch's origin from the basilar artery.
Case Discussion
A good case demonstrating a Chavda type III1 vascular loop of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery into the right IAC.
Despite this finding, there is conflicting evidence as to whether it is causative of a patient's symptoms and therefore is likely an incidental finding1,2.
The main treatment option for suspected symptomatic vascular loop cases is microvascular compression, with a success rate as high as 80% 3.