Prior total arthroplasty of the right knee. Poor diabetic compliance with the onset of chronic septic arthritis.
Patient Data

There is a temporary right knee antibiotic spacer. There is a pencil drain in situ with normal post-operative soft tissue changes and overlying surgical staples. There is chronic osteomyelitis/septic arthritis with dense/sclerotic bone and sequestrum. Involucrum formation is suspected and could not be excluded on plain film.
Case Discussion
This is a case of a temporary right knee cement spacer impregnated with gentamicin in a patient with chronic septic arthritis post arthroplasty. There were ongoing non-resolving intra and peri-articular septic collections with the formation of sequestrum and draining cloaca.
The patient is a non-compliant diabetic with poor glucose control and consequently developed a septic arthroplasty post-surgery.