Ascending colitis: probable ischaemic

Case contributed by Michael P Hartung
Diagnosis probable


2 weeks of worsening abdominal pain. Mild leucocytosis. No diarrhoea, melaena, or haematochezia.

Patient Data

Age: 80
Gender: Female

Pronounced, circumferential thickening of the ascending colon with submucosal oedema. Faint enhancement of the serosa with faint pericolonic stranding and trace amount of fluid in the paracolic gutter.

No other acute findings. Atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta. Imaged SMA appears patent. Portal, splenic, superior mesenteric veins patent.

Case Discussion

An appropriate differential diagnosis for this case would be ischaemic or infectious colitis. An infiltrative mass lesion such as lymphoma would be possible, but felt much less likely given the low attenuation appearance of the colonic wall, findings of pericolonic inflammation/stranding, and two week history of worsening abdominal pain with mild leucocytosis.

Ischaemic colitis seems most likely in this case given the pronounced submucosal oedema in a vascular (ileocolic) distribution. In elderly patients, ischaemic colitis most often occurs due to hypoperfusion setting of underlying cardiovascular comorbidities, and much less likely occlusive thromboembolic disease (notice the patient's prosthetic mitral valve, heavy aortic valvular calcifications, and coronary artery calcifications on the coronal reformats). Ultimately, the patient was managed conservatively and did not undergo further intervention due to her advanced age.

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