Axial myopathy

Case contributed by Saif Ahmed Al Dofri
Diagnosis almost certain


The patient complained of chronic back pain and weakness. She was not aware of any other illness.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

The sagittal and axial images of the dorsal and lumbar regions of the spine show diffuse bilateral symmetrical fatty infiltration of the paraspinal muscles, especially the Multifidus and Longissimus muscles. The iliopsoas, trapezius and iliocostalis muscles are preserved, as are the gluteal muscles and shoulder girdle muscles. The fat saturation images show no oedema or any focal lesions of the involved muscles. The spinal cord is unremarkable. No compressive lesion or intramedullary abnormal signal intensity.

Case Discussion

MRI plays an important role in the evaluation of patients with chronic back pain and gives valuable information about the spinal cord and spinal canal, as well as evaluating the spine and paraspinal muscles. The symmetry and extent of muscle disease are also assessed.

Axial myopathy can be part of more widespread myopathy, muscle dystrophy, or neurological disease. Further evaluation is usually needed.

Acknowledgment: Nusaibah Ghaleb Yousef Alnahari

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