Bilateral acetabular fractures

Case contributed by Craig Hacking
Diagnosis certain


High-speed motor vehicle accident.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Female

There is a comminuted medially-displaced fracture of the left acetabulum with medial migration of the left femoral head. There is also disruption of the right sacral ala with minimal displacement. Pelvic binder noted.

Multiple injuries of the pelvis:

  1. ​Left comminuted displaced acetabular and ischial tuberosity fractures - Judet Letournel complex type, both columns. Posterior subluxation of the femoral head and joint effusion. Associated left pelvic sidewall haematoma. No vascular blush.
  2. Right undisplaced acetabular fracture - Judet Letournel simple type, anterior wall. The quadrilateral plate is intact.
  3. Comminuted sacral fractures - bilateral Denis zone 2 and 3, right zone 1. Associated presacral extraperitoneal fluid with a maximum thickness of 13mm.
  4. Widened left sacroiliac joint. Mild asymmetry of the pubic symphysis. Non displaced right inferior pubic ramus fracture. AP compression type pelvic injury.



IDC in situ. Extensive left pelvic plate and screws as well as right SI joint screw. The left acetabulum shows minimally displaced fractures with left femoral head anatomically aligned.

Case Discussion

Complex pelvis fractures can be subcategorised into different components, in this case with sacral, acetabular and pelvic ring injuries.

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