Left flank pain.
Patient Data
The control film demonstrates a focal radio-density in the left hemipelvis at the level of the inferior left sacroiliac joint.
IVU selected AP radiograph (5min) on the right demonstrates two separate pelvi-calyceal systems uniting at the ureteropelvic junction with an opacified right single ureter.
IVU selected AP radiograph (45min) on the left demonstrates two separate dilated pelvicalyceal systems uniting at the ureteropelvic junction with an opacified dilated left single ureter down to the radio-dense stone at the distal part.
The urinary bladder is well opacified showing smooth outline.
Case Discussion
The features are consistent with bilateral duplex kidneys with evidence of left-sided hydronephrosis and hydroureter due to a distal ureteric stone.
This case is also contributed by Dr. Sahar Maroof