Bilateral subdural haematomas

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli
Diagnosis almost certain


Disorientation and inability to walk independently. The patient had unwitnessed fall in the last 2 weeks.

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Male

Large, bilateral frontal and parietal convexity late subacute phase subdural haematomas with a few loculations secondary to membrane formation are seen. 

The largest axial dimensions of the subdural haematomas are 3.2mm and 2.6 mm in the right and left sides respectively.

Balancing mass effect on the underlying cerebral hemispheres is not seen with left-sided crossed the coronal suture measuring about 6 mm.

The pressure effect on the lateral ventricles is seen. There is no transtentorial or foramen magnum herniation identified. 

Case Discussion

There is a bilateral late subacute phase subdural haematoma. There is a midline shift but no transtentorial or foramen magnum herniation identified.

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