History of chronic cough. X-ray showed left lung abnormal opacities and lucencies. No history of trauma.
Patient Data

Large defect in the posterolateral aspect of left hemidiaphragm with herniation of both small and large bowel loops along with mesentery to the left hemithorax.
No herniation of the stomach, spleen or left kidney into the left hemithorax. No evidence of strangulation or obstruction.
Collapse/hypoplasia of underlying left lung. No significant mediastinal shift.
No evidence of pleural effusion or pneumothorax. No air space consolidation or suspected nodule in the right lung.
Case Discussion
In absence of any significant history of trauma and injury, the features are typical for congenital diaphragmatic hernia (Bochdalek type): Left side, posterior and lateral.
This adult presentation is rare and interesting.