Bone lesion differential diagnosis - illustrations

Case contributed by Matt Skalski , 22 Jun 2020
Diagnosis not applicable
Changed by Matt Skalski, 4 Aug 2020
Hidden edits. Some edits not affecting the appearance of this case have been suppressed.

Updates to Study Attributes

Modality changed from to Diagram.
Findings was added:

Common neoplasms of older people (>30) are illustrated. 

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Common neoplasms of younger people (<30) are illustrated. 

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
Younger age bone tumorBone lesion differential diagnosis - illustrationillustrations
Body was changed:

This diagram wasThese diagrams were created live atas part of the Radiopaedia 2020 conference. 

  • -<p>This diagram was created live at the Radiopaedia 2020 conference. </p>
  • +<p>These diagrams were created live as part of the Radiopaedia 2020 conference. </p>

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
Younger age bone tumor differential diagnosis - illustration
Type was removed.
Visible was set to .

Updates to Primarylink Attributes

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