Obstipation, abdominal cramps. Colonoscopy showed sigmoid tumor, suspected liver metastases on US.
Patient Data
Dilated descending colon, with distended small bowel loops accompanied by air-fluid levels, altogether findings are in line with subileus.
Status post laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
CT confirms a stenotising sigmoid tumor mass with resultant marked distension of the large and small bowel loops. Multiple air-fluid levels, indicating obstruction. There are multiple local and paraaortic pathological lymph nodes, demonstrating inhomogeneous enhancement and irregular borders. A small amount of intraperitoneal free fluid is best seen in the hepatorenal fossa and along the cecum. Multiple hypodense liver lesions pathognomonic for metastases.
Other findings: status post cholecystectomy, left renal cysts, small hiatal hernia, degenerative skeletal changes.