Brachiocephalic artery pseudoaneurysm following right chest gunshot injury
Status post right chest gun shot wound.
Patient Data

The endotracheal tube and right chest tube are appropriately positioned, NG tube proximal side port is just above the gastrooesophageal junction. Right lung consolidation is likely a contusion. Small right pleural effusion. Right paratracheal soft tissue likely represents mediastinal haematoma.

Irregular contour distal brachiocephalic and proximal right subclavian artery indicating pseudoaneurysm following gunshot injury. A flap extends into the proximal right subclavian artery. Other findings gunshot injury including right lung contusion, mediastinal haematoma, subcutaneous emphysema and T3/T4 fractures.

Lobulated brachiocephalic artery pseudoaneurysm.
Case Discussion
Gunshot injuries may result in a variety of vascular injuries including transection, extravasation of blood/contrast, arteriovenous fistula and pseudoaneurysm formation.