Brainstem glioma

Case contributed by Fateme Hosseinabadi , 23 Jul 2019
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Rohit Sharma, 24 Jul 2019

Updates to Case Attributes

Title was changed:
Brain stemBrainstem glioma
Body was changed:

These imaging findings are highly suggestive for brainstem glioma.

  • -<p>These imaging findings are highly suggestive for <a title="Focal brain stem gliomas" href="/articles/focal-brainstem-glioma">brain stem glioma</a>.</p>
  • +<p>These imaging findings are highly suggestive for <a title="Brainstem glioma" href="/articles/brainstem-glioma">brainstem glioma</a>.</p>

Updates to Link Attributes

Title was removed:
Brain stem glioma
Type was removed.
Visible was set to .

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