Brainstem glioma

Case contributed by Utkarsh Kabra
Diagnosis probable


Headache, ataxia.

Patient Data

Age: 15 years
Gender: Male

Diffuse expansile altered signal intensity lesion involving pons with few necrotic areas in the midline and on the left side. Tiny foci of hemorrhage are seen. Mass effect is seen with effacement of 4th ventricle. No obvious hydrocephalus is seen on the present scan. 

Post-contrast scans show multiple areas of irregular peripheral ring enhancement in the midline and on the left side with non-enhancing central necrotic areas.

Spectroscopy through the lesion shows reduced NAA with elevated Choline; mildly elevated lipid lactate peaks suggesting neoplastic mitotic lesion.

Case Discussion

Findings are suggestive of brainstem glioma.

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