Bronchial carcinoid tumour

Case contributed by Hazem M Almasarei
Diagnosis certain


Recurrent chest infections.

Patient Data

Age: 13 years
Gender: Male

There is a soft tissue mass or endobronchial lesion arising from the right lower lobar bronchus, causing bronchiectatic changes and peri bronchial cuffing, features may suggest chronic process. 

There are bilateral multiple pulmonary nodules, these can be due to previous chest infection, however pulmonary metastasis cannot be excluded.

There is no significant mediastinal, hilar or axillary lymphnode enlargement.

There is no pleural or pericardial effusion.


Pathology report.

Case Discussion

The deferential diagnosis for endobronchial filling defects/lesions are: leiomyoma, hamartoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma and carcinoid tumour.

Review the companion cases, Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour and mucoepidermoid carcinoma of lung, that resembles this case in imaging findings and is differentiated only by pathology.

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