Patient Data
L1 burst fracture (note transitional anatomy) with retropulsion resulting in, presumably, compression of the distal spinal cord. Fracture of the tip of the right L1 transverse process a vertical fracture through the right lamina.
Additional fracture through the right sacral ala extending into the right anterior S1 foramen (not well shown).
Transitional anatomy with lumbarization of S1. For the purposes of this report, the lowest disc will be designated S1/S2.
Burst fracture of the L1 vertebral body, with approximately 60% loss anterior vertebral body height and 30% loss posteriorly vertebral body height. There is a localized focal kyphosis and retropulsion of a posterosuperior fracture fragment that results in severe canal narrowing, reduced by approximately two thirds, with compression and edema of the cord. Right side lamina fracture. The ALL and PLL are disrupted. No large compressive epidural hematoma. Right psoas contusion.